Sunday, February 21, 2010

Flower Hmong

Well, since the previous image didn't probably give you the feeling of 'literally hundreds of beautifully dressed Flower Hmong', here a another picture from the Bac Ha market that gives you a better idea of what I was describing. As I said - photographer's heaven, so I might post more pictures of this day.


  1. You should state a warning for epilectics :-) I did not even know that my brain can process such colours.

  2. You should have been there - a picture cannot reproduce the overwhelming abundance of patterns and colors that you could see everywhere at this market this day. The nice part was, that they didn't hold the market for the tourists, but that the local people went there to do their shopping.
    BTW, thanks for commenting ;) It's good to see people are checking the blog!

  3. Amazing atmosphere, dazzling colours! Do only the women wear these traditional clothes?

  4. Hey Corinna, welcome and thanks for the compliments ;)
    I think the men also have some traditional clothes, but they wear them only on special occasions such as celebrations, while the women wear these clothes every day - and that's a lot of cloths to wear!!



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